Architects House, functionalist style

WAT09 Architects House, functionalist style
Name Architects House, functionalist style
Address Avenue des Staphylins 11
City/Neighborhood Watermael-Boitsfort
  • Modern 50-60

Original use
  • Architect house

Année 1959
Architect(s) and/or artist(s)
  • Blomme Françoise
  • Vandevoorde José

Designed in 1959 by architects Françoise Blomme and José Vandevoorde, future co-founders of the architectural firm CERAU.

Their personal home is typical of this rupturist era, without superfluous ornamentation, where the concept focuses on interior spaces.

The tall and narrow facade is pierced with three equal superimposed openings, the walls are painted white.

The entrance above the garage is bordered by a very simple metal balustrade.

The large sloped flat roof also meets the criteria of the 50s / 60s.

The very modern work won a Van de Ven Prize in 1961.

Unlike many houses from this period, this one is remarkably preserved.

WAT09 - Unless otherwise stated © for all photos


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