Gaston Brunfaut, modernist theoretician architect, was very influenced by Le Corbusier's theories.
More accustomed to creating large collective complexes, he signed here two neighboring three facades houses, one built in 1938, the other one a year later.
The first, at No. 42, is more elaborate than the second, it is distinguished by its cylindrical glass staircase wall.
The horizontal windows punctuate the facade.
A flat roof with a solarium terrace overlooks the house.
The second house is simpler, with its glazed stairwell wall in the right corner.
One round, the other square, these two neighboring houses look like a couple, male and female. Beautiful engraved signatures.
The house at No. 42 was remarkably restored in 2007 by AAC workshop, it was classified in April 2013.
WAT07 - Unless otherwise stated © for all photos
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