Fernand, born in Anseremme (Dinant) on July 7, 1886, died in Brussels on February 9, 1972.
Gaston, (Fernand's brother), born in Jemelle on February 6, 1894, died in Uccle on June 1, 1974
Maxime (son of Fernand) born in Schaerbeek on May 23, 1909, died in Brussels on September 22, 2003.
Remarkable family of architects in which Fernand, very committed to Socialism, became deputy.
The Brussels City Hall organized an exhibition in 2004 entitled "Une architecture engagée - Les Brunfaut" and, in 2013, another exhibition entitled "Brunfaut's, Progressive Architecture", was held at the Atomium.
A book published on the occasion by Atomium éditions and CFC éditions is devoted to them.
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